Saturday, November 16, 2013

Stuff we should have been told in treatment ''The Hidden and Forgotten Plague''

The Hidden and Forgotten Plague 

Thanks to my colleagues from 

National Alliance for Medication Assisted Recovery  

"Just that you people who are involved in advocacy, keep up the work. I have seen
changes come about because of people becoming involved. It is these who are the real heroes
in all this. Without advocacy, changes will not come about within the present system."
Dr. Vincent Dole 
''Listen to your patients'', Dr. Vincent Dole spoken at the  American Methadone Treatment Association in San Francisco in 2001. (The AMTA is now AATOD 
Don't miss the important documentary: 'The Hidden and Forgotten Plague - A film about hepatitis C'. with English subtitles Produced by The Swedish Drug Users Union. In Sweden approximately 50 000 persons are infected with…
Added on 9/29/13