Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Obama's White House Announce Brain Mapping Initiative

White House Announces Brain Mapping Initiative
Mark Willenbring, MD at Substance Matters: Science and Addiction - 3 weeks ago

*Whew! Long drought! I was caught a bit off guard by the response to Jane Brody's column about Inside Rehab, which generated a lot of inquiries and new patients for Alltyr! All good things, plus opening the new office in downtown St. Paul and many other activities have left me a bit overwhelmed. Today's blog is written by Ian McLoone, a graduate student at the University of Minnesota Master of Professional Studies in Integrated Behavioral Health. Ian has been working with me learning about clinical work, as well as helping with Alltyr Clinic and other activities. He's going to be a... more »

Some books and articles on Science and lack of it in Mental Health Treatment.

Distinction between Science and Pseudoscience.

1. Wikepedia Pseudoscience

Skeptics Quack Watch
2. Article by Rory Coker, Ph.D. "Distinguishing Science and Pseudoscience"

3. Scott O. Lilienfeld, Steven Jay Lynn, Jeffrey M. Lohr "Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology" here is a little --Youtube I have not hear yet, but seems to be accurate

4. "The Great Ideas of Clinical Science: 17 Principles that Every Mental Health Professional Should Understand"  Scott O. Lilienfeld, William T. O'Donohue

5. One final article which is very important is "Why Bogus Therapies Seem to Work" by Barry L. Beyerstein PhD.
I feel shamed and betrayed by my own profession. I have read each and every one of this books
and articles. I have become such an skeptic about mental health and substance use disorder
treatment that each time I hear a claim be made by even some of this authors I check and double
check most of their work. It is tiring but nevertheless I have been hot aired so much I feel that
treatment has devastated my life both economically and socially. Before I die, I have made my
commitment to assure that patients learn about the need for science and the fact that we
are being bamboozled by people who maybe nice some times, but are nevertheless quacks.